Iterate to innovate.
We facilitate Discovery Sprint workshops to enable you and your team to improve ideas, products and business. On site and remote.
So, what is a Discovery Sprint?
A Discovery Sprint is a 4-day workshop with the aim of realising a new product or the further development of an existing product within the shortest possible time.
Specific problems are analyzed, solutions are outlined and a tangible prototype is developed, which is tested and validated by real users under realistic conditions.
We bring our expert knowledge to the table so that you and your team achieve in a week what you otherwise would have needed months for!
Perfect your product step by step and test it with various prototyping tools and methods.
Detect product challenges upfront and validate ideas before taking big risks.
Focus on specific parts of your strategy and work as a team to refine and to improve it.
Each workshop is prepared, accompanied and subsequently evaluated by us. Whether remote or on-site, you and your team will go through each of our 4 workshop parts Sprint Preparation, Solution Development, Prototyping and User Testing/evaluation.
For further information, please view our detailed Sprint itinerary (PDF).
Remote workshop
On-site workshop
How long does a Sprint take?
A Discovery Sprint is a step-by-step process to solve big problems and validate ideas, concepts and strategies in 4 days.The process consists of 6 workshop units, which in a remotely conducted sprint can be timed to be even more flexible and best suited for your team.
What does a Sprint look like in detail?
Our Discovery Sprint is comprised of 4 individual workshop parts (Sprint preparation and alignment, Solution Development and Decision Making, Prototyping, User Testing and Evaluation).
For further information, please view our detailed Sprint itinerary.
When should I run a Sprint?
It is extremely important to bring the right cases and problems into a Discovery Sprint – otherwise you will waste your team's time and energy and, of course, your company's money.
You should only run a Discovery Sprint if the problem is big enough to block your team's time for four days.
The cost of failing your project or product should be higher than the cost of running a Sprint.
The value of a Sprint is most evident when a product, service or project needs to be tested very quickly for feasibility and the right way to implement it.
A Discovery Sprint is ideal when you want to tackle a new project or idea, when you want to quickly improve an existing process or service, when you want to work out weaknesses and problem areas of an existing product, or when you need to reach new target groups and define your growth strategy.
When should I not run a Sprint?
You should never run a Discovery Sprint if your problem is too small, if members of your team already know the solution, or if the budget for a Discovery Sprint exceeds the cost of your project's failure.
Also, a Sprint won't help you if the problem is too complex and when you're trying to cover all problem areas in just one Sprint; you need to be able to clearly articulate the problem and focus on a specific problem area. Otherwise the result might disappoint you, which is why in these cases we advise against running a Sprint.
Who should be in a Sprint team?
We generally distinguish between start-up or smaller companies and large, international corporations with hundreds or even thousands of employees.
In a start-up or smaller company, the person in charge and final decision maker (i.e. CEO, CTO, etc.), someone from Sales, Marketing and Customer Support (if available) and, if possible, team members from design and (software) development should be present.
In large companies and organizations, where it is unrealistic to involve the CEO, the project or product owner must be present as the decision maker, as well as other team members from Sales, Marketing, Design, Support, etc.
How much does a Sprint cost?
The costs of your Discovery Sprint depend on the team size and scope of the project as well as the problem definition. If you are interested in running a Discovery Sprint together with us, we will clarify the central questions regarding scope and feasibility in a first call (30 min.).
In the second step you will receive a Pre-Sprint survey from us to dive deeper into the scope and problem areas of the Sprint so that we will have gained the necessary insights to make you an offer and to define the time frame for your Sprint.